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Questions Clients Ask About This Industry

What is the market size of the Sawmills & Wood Production industry in the US in 2022?

The market size, measured by revenue, of the Sawmills & Wood Production industry, is $54.8bn in 2022.

What is the growth rate of the Sawmills & Wood Production industry in the US in 2022?

The market size of the Sawmills & Wood Production industry is expected to increase by 11.4% in 2022.

Has the Sawmills & Wood Production industry in the US grown or declined over the past 5 years?

The market size of the Sawmills & Wood Production industry in the US has grown 8.1% per year on average between 2017 and 2022.

Is the Sawmills & Wood Production industry in the US expected to grow or decline over the next five years?

See our full analysis of the Sawmills & Wood Production industry in the US to understand if the industry market size is expected to grow or decline over the next five years.

How has the Sawmills & Wood Production industry performed compared with other US industries over the past five years?

The market size of the Sawmills & Wood Production industry in the US increased faster than the economy overall.

How has the Sawmills & Wood Production industry in the US performed compared with the Manufacturing sector in the US?

The market size of the Sawmills & Wood Production industry in the US increased faster than the Manufacturing sector overall.

Where does the Sawmills & Wood Production industry in the US rank in terms of market size in 2022?

The Sawmills & Wood Production industry in the US is the 25th ranked Manufacturing industry by market size and the 213th largest in the US.

What factors affect growth of the Sawmills & Wood Production industry in the US?

The primary negative factors affecting this industry are high competition and low barriers to entry.

What is the biggest opportunity for growth in the Sawmills & Wood Production industry in the US?

The average 2,400-square foot single-family home requires more than 16,000 feet of lumber just for framing, so demand for lumber is strongly connected to activity in the housing market. The number of housing starts measures the amount of construction on new, privately owned housing units started in a given year, including both single-unit and multi-unit developments. The number of housing starts is expected to increase in 2022, representing a potential opportunity for industry operators.

Link to full article and reports here: https://www.ibisworld.com/industry-statistics/market-size/sawmills-wood-production-united-states/